Yearly Archives: 2020


Deep Tech In Africa

Deep technology has been defined as technology that is based on tangible engineering innovation or scientific advances and discoveries. Deep Tech is often set apart by its profound enabling power, the differentiation it can create, and its potential to catalyse change. Africa has had great success over the last 20 years. The last 10, in [...]

By |2020-09-17T10:57:58+03:00September 16th, 2020|innovation in Africa, Uncategorised|2 Comments

The Future Of Technology And The Role Of Africa

This was initially delivered as a keynote address at the Techpoint Build conference on 28th August, 2020. The future of technology concerns all of us. For example, across our companies, we are having conversations about the impact of the fourth industrial revolution, AI, or perhaps big data. We expect the future of technology will impact [...]

By |2020-09-01T10:33:05+03:00August 28th, 2020|blog, hubs in Africa|0 Comments

The Value Of Hubs

10 years ago in Africa, we began to see the emergence of independent innovation and entrepreneurship centres. These were hubs not housed in the research and development departments of companies. They were launched independently, many times by innovators themselves. They were built to give innovators across Africa spaces to build, test, and launch their products. [...]

By |2020-07-14T13:05:00+03:00July 14th, 2020|hubs in Africa, innovation in Africa|15 Comments

My love affair with Africa

I love Africa. She makes me laugh, she makes me cry. She makes me dance, she makes me work. She gives me sleepless nights. She’s also the reason I sleep so soundly, because she gives me hope. I love the fullness of her culture and the voluptuous curves of her landscape. She has countless serene [...]

By |2020-05-25T16:54:30+03:00May 25th, 2020|blog|2 Comments