Monthly Archives: December 2023


Here’s to 2024

May our homes wrap us in comfort.  May the love we give return to warm our hearts.  May we persist in loving deeply, letting our hearts overflow.    May our friendships stay genuine, anchoring us through life's waves.  May our connections endure, fortified with resilience.  May we uncover a sense of belonging, shielding us from [...]

By |2023-12-19T15:44:00+03:00December 19th, 2023|2024|0 Comments

Celebrating One Year at Medic: Embracing Purpose and Impactful Work.

I joined Medic in December of 2022 after a fulfilling two years supporting innovation hubs across the African continent. I watched the work that Medic was doing at the height of the covid pandemic and when the opportunity arose, I knew I had to grab it. As I reflect on my first year, I’m struck [...]

By |2023-12-14T15:53:16+03:00December 14th, 2023|Community Health|0 Comments